My sister, Erica, says that I never post. I guess this is true. So here's an update of some of our summer adventures.
In June, Evan and I went to Colorado to celebrate my cousin, David, returning from an LDS mission. Then we stayed for a week with Papa and Nana Decker. Somehow we didn't get very many pictures of this event, but here's the ones we have.
Evan loved being at Nana's!

Here is Nana and Evan at the cabin.

Evan and his cousin, James.

We went to the park in Montrose to see the ducks. Twice, because it was so awesome!

Later, Erica came and stayed with us. We played in the pool and went to Wheeler Farm.

Evan's favorite part of the the farm were the ducks.

Erica was here on the 4th of July. In the morning, we went for a long drive into the mountains behind our house. We drove all the way to the top where we could see the valley and the copper mine. It was pretty fun, but the three of us weren't brave enough to get out because of the gale force winds.

Later, we had Brian, Jen, and Isaac over for a bbq and some kid fireworks. Here's Evan and Isaac.

Evan didn't like the loud fireworks.

He is happy with Daddy, though!

Finally, I got a bright blue bike for my birthday! And also a trailer to pull Evan along.